Saturday, February 05, 2005

How I became a Family Entertainer

How I got in to Family Entertainment

I forgot to tell you how I got involved in family entertainment. This was a very interesting story. I was a congregation leader at a church (this is going somewhere I promise) and I lead the singing every Sunday. This was an important position because, if for any reason I missed, there was no one there to substitute. Anyway, for some reason my family decided to stop at my wife's parent's house on this particular Sunday morning. While I was there my Mother-in-law asked me if I ever heard of Mark Wade. I mentioned that I knew him and she said,"Well, he's performing at a church in the area this morning. It was in the paper." I asked her where that paper was and we checked and saw that it was today in the morning service.

Well, I had a dilemma, I needed to lead the congregation singing at my church but I really wanted to go see Mark. So, I went to my church and talked to the pastor, he said that there was someone there that could do my job so that freed me up to go and see Mark. I was happy that I could finally see Mark perform at something besides the conVENTion.

We got to the church and waited for Mark to go on. As I looked around, I noticed that Mark Wade was no where to be found. I told Sue (my wife) that I hadn't seen him yet. She decided to ask one of the members of the church where Mark was at and they said that Mark had gotten in a car accident and was unable to make it. What a disappointment, I thought.

Goes to show how your attitude makes a difference. Because what I saw as a disappointment, Sue saw as an opportunity. She said, " Tell them that you do ventriloquism." Well, after arguing with her for a couple minutes (I really didn't have anything prepared) I finally said OK and told them and they said they would be more than happy for me to perform in Marks absence.

I went home and got my figures, did my performance, and the rest is history. So, I guess I can say, thank you Mark Wade for getting in the car accident that day because it shaped my future in ventriloquism.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daniel, you are a fortunate man to have such a smart wife! What a great story!